Train Ride With Maud (you're relaxing at a small desk in your train cabin, writing a letter, when the door opens) (Maud enters) "Hey. Sorry I took so long. They had a rock display in the carriage ahead, and... I couldn't resist." (rummaging through her satchel) "I grabbed some dolomite for you, if you wanted any." (you give her a nod, and Maud places a piece of dolomite on the desk) "What are you writing?" (she looks over your shoulder and glances at the first few words) "Your brother's getting married next month? That's really sweet. Are you going to attend?" (you nod) "Who's the lucky mare?" (you show her a picture of the mare) "She looks cute. Your brother has great taste. Have you met her?" (you nod, she's really sweet) "Well... I hope things work out for them." (maud walks over to the small couch/bed and sits down, before laying down to look up at the ceiling) (she gives something that sounds like a sigh, but you aren't sure, and you ask if she's okay) "I'm fine. I just have something on my mind. That's all." (you ask if she wants to talk about it) "I don't mind talking about it, as long as you're okay with it." (you tell her you don't mind the subject, as she's your friend) "Well, okay." (small sigh) "It all started when Mudbriar and I broke up. At first it didn't bother me so much. It was completely mutual. But he never told me he was unhappy." (you look at her confusedly) "The entire time we were together, he never gave me a sign that he was unsatisfied, or that our relationship was getting stale. He was the same old Mudbriar I loved. And I assumed I was the same old Maud he loved." (she sits in silence for a few seconds, but you say nothing) "He even discussed plans to marry me in the near future. When he wanted to talk to me, I thought he was going to propose to me." (silence again, but the feels, man) "And the moment I read your letter... that day was all I could think about." (Maud turns to you, sees you sad, and she gets up and stands by you) "Hey. If it means anything... I'm really happy for your brother. And I'm really happy she said yes. I hope they have a happy life together." (Maud gives the absolute faintest of smiles, but it lasts for less than a moment) "Thank you for listening to me talk. I usually don't express my feelings to most ponies. But you're a really good friend. And I trust you." (you give her a smile) (suddenly, Maud kisses you for a few seconds, then pulls away) "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. It's just that... ever since Mudbriar and I broke up, I've been feeling lonely. Just holding somepony. Kissing them. It always makes me feel warm inside. It makes me feel wanted. You're the only other person that made me feel like I mattered." (you mention Pinkie and the rest of her family, but she waves it off) "I meant outside of family. With you, I can really be myself. You're always there for me, for everyone. You try to make me happy at every turn, and even if you can't, you never just leave. I like that about you. You really care." (Maud is looking into your eyes) "You don't make me feel alone." (she pulls away slightly) "But I don't want you to feel obligated to be involved with me because of that. So if you don't feel the same way, I'll understand, and I'll drop it for good." (you smile and shake your head) (before Maud can respond, you pull her in for another kiss) (the two of you embrace for a moment in tender loving before Maud pulls away) "You know... there's a rock museum in Hoofsgale. And Hoofsgale is the first stop tomorrow morning. Would you like to check it out with me?" (you accept) "Then it's a date." (you kiss her again as the train blows its whistle) (your letter can wait for now) END