Prompt: Twilight gave Spike a stern look. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice? This is the third time I've woken up with semen inside me!" Spike looked around nervously. "I-It wasn't me, I swear!" Twilight huffed at him. "I know what dragon cum smells like! You... I know baby dragons have certain urges, but that doesn't excuse... using me, like I'm some kind of sex toy!" Twilight gave Spike a stern look. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice? This is the third time I've woken up with semen inside me!" Spike looked around nervously. "I-It wasn't me, I swear!" Twilight huffed at him. "I know what dragon cum smells like! You... I know baby dragons have certain urges, but that doesn't excuse... using me, like I'm some kind of sex toy!" She pounded the bed. "I've never been used like this before! All I wanted was a decent date, and you threw it away!" "We weren't going to hurt you!" Scootaloo said, trying to placate her. "We wouldn't even make you get a blowjob! If anything, I'm sorry, Twi, we shouldn't have taken it to you like this! You were going to be okay!" "Are you kidding?" Twilight asked. "I'm just a stupid, airheaded bimbo slut! You didn't give me a blowjob! You fucked my insides so violently, I'll need a week to get back to the headboard!" She sat up and started furiously shoving aside her covers. "Why didn't I get to have some kid fun? My sex life's just about ruined! Who's gonna want to fuck a bimbo slut like me?" She cackled hysterically, moaning from the pain in her spine. "This isn't going to be one of the best dates I ever have! I'm gonna need painkillers!" She fell out of bed, in tears, and tried her best not to cry in front of the foals. "I'm sorry, but I have to say, Scootaloo, you're right!" Scootaloo said. "Twilight, you're... an attractive mare! I've never had sex with anypony before, but..." she nodded at Spike. "... but I'd really like to have sex with you." She leaned over and started licking Twilight's neck. "Just please no!" Twilight cried. "I'm fine, I just need to lay down for a bit!" She slipped under the covers and pulled them over her head, shutting out the world. "Settle in, guys! I'm gonna sleep for about ten minutes!" "Uh... come on, Twilight," Applejack said. "You don't want us to leave you all to do it by yourself!" "I'll join in!" Rainbow said. "We'll help you!" "My bedroom's already dirty with cum!" Twilight wailed. "I don't want to cum in another room that's already gross!" "We'll help you clean up!" "Awww! Sweetie! How about I make a breakfast special for us, if we just help clean up a little bit?" Twilight groaned, trying to suppress her discomfort. She opened her eyes, to find that she was laying on her back in bed, still fully dressed. She lifted herself onto her stomach and rubbed her stomach, shivering as she felt her insides churning. The bed was soaked with her cum, and Spike was sitting on the floor, shirtless. "A-Applejack, w-what are you doing?" Twilight whined. "Shelve this, Twi!" Applejack shouted. "You're a bimbo now! The sooner you get over this, the better! We've all got to start living together! We're having fun with you, now that it's getting wild!" She plopped herself down on the bed, next to Twilight. "You could use some porn here!" She stuck her head under Twilight's chest and started groping her chest. Twilight moaned and tugged on Applejack's head, but the griffon just ignored her. "You know what I like, Twi!" She jerked her head to the side. "Take off that top! Let me suck on your boobs!" Twilight gave Applejack a stern look. "You can't be serious," she said. "This isn't a blowjob, it's just... I need some air!" Applejack smirked. "I don't need an excuse to suck on your tits, Twi. I'm a bimbo now, remember? I'll show you a better way!" She grabbed Twilight by the neck and started licking her neck. Twilight made an attempt to sit up, but the effort made her yelp in pain. "I... I c-can't do this!" she whined, kicking a little bit of her leg in the process. "I'm a bimbo, Applejack! I'm not a bimbo slut! I don't like sex, I don't want it, and I hate kids! I'm a tenured professor, not a...a...uh, a-" "We can skip that part! I was a slut, I got us what we wanted!" Applejack said. "Now that the bimbo's there, we just have to drag the other girls into it!" "T-This isn't what you want!" Twilight whined. Applejack shrugged. "You made it this far, didn't you? If anything, it's going to be fun. Sure, we're going to have to change a few things around here,