Prompt: Twilight gave Spike a stern look. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice? This is the third time I've woken up with semen inside me!" Spike looked around nervously. "I-It wasn't me, I swear!" Twilight huffed at him. "I know what dragon cum smells like! You... I know baby dragons have certain urges, but that doesn't excuse... using me, like I'm some kind of sex toy!" Twilight gave Spike a stern look. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice? This is the third time I've woken up with semen inside me!" Spike looked around nervously. "I-It wasn't me, I swear!" Twilight huffed at him. "I know what dragon cum smells like! You... I know baby dragons have certain urges, but that doesn't excuse... using me, like I'm some kind of sex toy!" Spike panicked. "C-Can you... I-It's not a-" The door to their room opened and Shining Armor walked in, very awake. "Twilight? Is that you? You need to talk to your friends!" "Sh-Shining!" Spike shrieked. "R-R-Real-Hey! Wait, don't tell them! I... I'm on a mission!" Shining Armor was very confused. "There's no sex on my mind! I was just wondering what Spike was doing with his—" The doors to the closet opened and he screamed and ran away. Spike stood up and walked over to Twilight. "Twi-Twilight! I know what I did was wrong! I don't want to use you like that! I just... I never thought I'd do something like that!" Twilight still had her confused look. "What were you doing, Spike?" Spike groaned. "Sh-Shouldn't we go out there and tell our friends about it? I know they'd probably be at a loss for words! And Princess Celestia and... that Spike and I had sex in our room!" Twilight smirked. "I'm sure Celestia would get me pregnant with Spike's seed!" "B-But I'm not a virgin! I want to be your cum dump!" Spike squealed, throwing his arms around Twilight's neck. "Well, I'm the only one who got me pregnant! Even Celestia didn't get me pregnant! So, tell me who got you pregnant?" Twilight teased. "Celestia can't have been pregnant with baby dragons!" "No, not baby dragons," Spike whispered, laughing nervously. "Don't tell me. You don't want to tell the truth. I thought so. Get away from me!" Twilight retorted. "Come on Spike, we've got a long day ahead of us. Come with me." "Y-Yeah!" Spike said, still blushing. Twilight sighed and walked out of the room. She gave Spike a tender look. "I'll leave the door open if you want." "Y-Yeah," Spike muttered, still blushing. "Now, where did he get dragon sperm anyways? I've never heard of any male dragon other than me being fertile with female dragons!" Twilight smirked as she got in the front seat of her truck. "It's probably from a female dragon!" The two drove through the streets of Ponyville, and Spikes paranoia was still on edge. He was glad they were heading to the library, though, because there would probably be no way to conceal the semen in his shirt if they went to the local school. But then, what if they never got to the school? What if they ended up saying, Spike was having sex with Twilight Sparkle? And what if the school got an anonymous call saying they were doing something lewd together in their house? They'd probably come to get them! "Look! The school!" Spike cried, pointing out a sign that said something about school safety. Twilight stopped and looked out the window. "What's the worst that could happen?" Spike smiled nervously. "Oh, this is terrible!" He cried, holding his face. "Is it really that bad?" Twilight asked, giving Spike a concerned look. "You'd be surprised, Spike! And so would the girls!" They parked in the school's parking lot and walked into the building. Spike looked at the huge empty school auditorium. "It'll look like it's abandoned, but they'll hear our truck! How many people work here?" Spike thought. "Spike... I hope your fantasies don't ruin the school's reputation!" "That's exactly why we have to go through the library," Spike said, smiling. "This way, they'll think we're there for a playdate!" He said, pointing to the public library. "Plus, it'll give us a chance to get Spike's cum off my shirt!" He said, turning around. "Come on Twilight, let's go!" Twilight nodded, blushing a little. "Okay Spike, but can you... What if somepony sees us when we're here?" She asked nervously. "Psh! That's why we're gonna look like we're having a playdate!" Spike said. "Who's gonna see us doing that?" As they walked through the lobby, Spike's horn glowed and a bookcase opened up. "C'mon!" Spike said. The two entered the library. It was massive and more bookshelves were all around the walls, each shelf with a different number. "Hmm... You know, Spike, I've never heard of a dragon school," Twilight said. "We're not really like those books about dragons..." She said. "If we go too far, they're gonna think we're doing something lewd!"